Introduction to Watercolour: Capturing Emotion in Still Life Painting

Saturday, September 21 to Saturday, November 9, 2024
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
$312.00 (with HST $352.56)
Location: At Centre
Sessions: 8 Saturdays
Instructor: Yuqian Sun
Level: Beginner/ Intermediate

This beginner course with multiple award winning watercolour artist and current MFA scholar Yuqian, takes still life painting as the starting point. With the appreciation of the works of many art masters, Iris guides students to explore unique visual effects and painting techniques. Students will benefit from ‘observational skills training’, to develop more effective habits in perceiving their surroundings from a more artistic perspective. Sketching, colour theory, brush exercises and control of water and transparency will be taught. At the same time, the Instructor will also teach her own unique painting logic and tips over the course of her career. Vivid florals, antique objects abandoned by the wave of technological development, personal items … – These still life objects are full of beautiful energy. The process of painting still life is the artist’s process of making these objects reflect their inner world and current emotion, not just a mechanical reproduction of the real-life scene. By observing ordinary and familiar everyday items, students will learn how to combine their own perception and emotions with objective elements such as light and shadow, texture, and form, to create expressive and impressive works. This beginner class is suitable for those who have tried watercolour painting and have a basic understanding of its principles and tools.

For materials list, please click here.

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