Saturday, March 8 to Sunday, March 16, 2025
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
$192.00 (with HST $216.96)
Location: At Centre
Sessions: Saturday and Sunday March 8, March 9, March 15, and March 16, 2024 (2 Saturdays and 2 Sundays)
Instructor: Joan McKenzie and Julia Lee
Level: All Levels
Participants will be introduced to raw, washed, and dyed wool. Hands-on instruction will be provided for washing wool, dyeing it using natural materials, hand carding, teasing, drum carding, and spinning and plying, using both a spindle and a spinning wheel. Participants will use their learning to select appropriate fibres to plan for a specific project. A kit that includes handouts, raw wool, washing materials, processed wool, dyestuffs, mordants, and a drop spindle will be made available for purchase directly from the instructor on the first day of class, $80, cash accepted. Other materials will be available on loan for the term of the class.
Register for this Adult Workshop: W25ALTW
Please read our full registration and cancellation policies before you register.