Send a Child To NPCC's 2025 Summer Camp!

Spring is here and that means summer is just around the corner! Our summer camps begin on July 2 and we’re asking for your help to send 25 deserving kids to camp. With your support, more children in our community will attend camp and explore their creativity, improve their communication skills, gain self-confidence and have a blast!

NPCC provides a safe and supportive environment where children benefit from use of our indoor studio spaces and the beautiful park and surrounding woodland.

YOU can make a difference in our community.

You can help a child attend our summer camp by donating to the scholarship campaign. Simply click here, and choose the Scholarship Fundraiser on the drop-down menu. Your donation is 100% tax deductible.

A gift as small as $90.00 sends one child to camp for a day, $225.00 will cover half a week and a generous donation of $450.00 supports one child for an entire week of camp, including morning and afternoon extended care!

Click here to learn more about our Scholarship Program.

Charitable registration # 13227 0703 RR0001. Thank you for your support!

Donors are eligible for a tax credit. Tax receipts are issued for donations of $20 or more. In the event that donations exceed what is required, funds will be used for the general charitable objectives of NPCC.

Charity Registration Number: